posted ago by Somebeach ago by Somebeach +84 / -0

From all the comments I see, people are now at the precipice of destruction, think about what you know, think about all those who know absolutely nothing, they are hearing mask mandates, forced vaccinations, censorship etc... This is the precipice of destruction. Q gave two watches. The first was on the 19th @4:59, Trump declassified the information, the 2nd watch is the 27 @ 3:06. We all knew this was going to on for days after the 20th. For those who cannot handle this I can understand, taking back the country was never going to be easy, people must understand the true meaning of freedom. Our founding fathers had to fight a war with the most powerful force in the world, most of the people thought it was over before it began, but the war turned in favor of the patriots. Hold The Line is not just a phrase. Patriots have faith, they understand the cost of Freedom. Patriot (A person who loves his country, and zealously supports and defends it and its interests.).

In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot. MT