What do we do about this?
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See there is no way that GEOTUS would say that the Biden admin would be better than his.... so that phrase make no sense if just looked at on the surface.
And in his rallies, he always used that phrase to mean his second term.
And while Trump did exaggerate sometimes, he never outright lied to us. Saying that the best is yet to come when Biden and co. are actively trying to destroy us would be a lie.
Patience padiwan
I have a feeling the stage has been set in a big way
Maybe just not give a shit? lol
If you care about the opinions of petty people, they will rule you. Don't let them.
KEK!!! Wot is that, some reddit shiite?
Boys and girls, if we lose this now there will be no mo MAGA for a long long time, probably never.
11.3 is verifying right now as a marker, 11.3 being the number of the code requiring the Military to remove an illegitimate government...
We knew all along we would be (here) now, those who read the Drops anyhow.
What we'll do is forgive the ones who deserve it, the rest can eat paint flakes like the Enemy. And I'll never cease being a 'Qanon', I was one long before Q came along to help us, to guide us some.
We are still watching the movie Folks. Pray for America, we could still lose this.
Remove this post, for one - and not give them any attention. They really hate that ;)