Ran Across this Q Post and it Gave Me Some More Hopium
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I'm not ruling this out, but it seems most reasonable to me that such meticulous planners would've set up a dead man's switch.
So, for the time being, I'm just watching, not trying to presume what comes next, and living my life.
Let's be real -- 75+ million Trump supporters =/= 75+ million Americans that are willing to give their lives to overthrow the DS. People may disagree with me, but I don't think we have the numbers or organized leadership at the moment to start some kind of 'revolution' that'd have a high likelihood of success. So, it doesn't hurt at all to keep hopefully watching and waiting at the moment.
Marxism doesn't just create a living hell for conservatives, Christians, etc. When it advances sufficiently, it creates a living hell for everyone. If the situation where the plan fails is as apocalyptic as we're presuming, then, in due time, the number of people ready for an actual revolution will increase to the point where we have a decent shot at success. The only condition necessary is that we never give up our firearms by any means necessary in the meantime.
On account of all of the reasons above, whatever the scenario is (the plan is still on, the plan failed, etc.) the smartest course of action at this moment is simply to watch and wait, and load up on firearms and/or ammo according to your means. And, since maintaining hope does nothing to detract from watching and waiting while also significantly benefiting my state of mind, I'll keep hoping, too.