Q is one of their greatest weapons at making us all look like conspiracy theorist and they know it and will utilize it to the full extent. It's easy to keep people locked into Q, if you're a bad guy and you're part of the swamp you give a little bit of truth "this will happen at 8 am tomorrow", this way you're never able to escape the grasp of the lie because they keep giving you a little but also drag you into the dirt.
Q is one of their greatest weapons at making us all look like conspiracy theorist and they know it and will utilize it to the full extent. It's easy to keep people locked into Q, if you're a bad guy and you're part of the swamp you give a little bit of truth "this will happen at 8 am tomorrow", this way you're never able to escape the grasp of the lie because they keep giving you a little but also drag you into the dirt.