Looks like your symptoms are getting worse. It's okay though, I'm a licensed professional. First, you need to get in the happy baby position. Then use both hands to tightly grasp the rod. You got to whip it out quickly and then allow your sphincter to relax. It'll be painful, but worth it. Trust your doctor ?
Don't worry kiddo, I have a PhD in helping nematodes like you remove the massive rods stuck up their asses.
So is Biden when KKKamala sends her grunts to get rid of him so she can become supreme ruler.
Looks like your symptoms are getting worse. It's okay though, I'm a licensed professional. First, you need to get in the happy baby position. Then use both hands to tightly grasp the rod. You got to whip it out quickly and then allow your sphincter to relax. It'll be painful, but worth it. Trust your doctor ?
Speak for yourself, you disgusting piece of trash.
So to be clear, will you kill yourself if Kamala is allowed to take office two years or so into Biden's term?
Because I'll be waiting.