Everything being reported is like it's from a different world -- a fake world with fake ambassadors trying to convince us that things are not what they really are.
I can't take any of it seriously. I'm done with that noise.
I'm going to read a book now and refresh ga.win between chapters.
Stay focused my friends.
"News"? There hasn't been real news or real journalists (except a couple like O'Keefe) in years. Haven't watched the propaganda channels in years.
Same. Designed to discourage and program your subconscious mind.
If I see the news on anywhere in public I go off to whoever is with me. Same shit.
"That guys a pedo" "You know he said it was okay to murder white people right?" "She's a biiittcchhhh" "He takes drugs lol" "She drinks baby blood I'm pretty sure" "How many men do you think she slept with to get where she is?" "SELLOUT" "SHUT UP NO ONE CARESSSS"