by BQnita
Epicsoundwaves 2 points ago +2 / -0

Really wondering what kinds of things I'm going to see in 5 years with my job as a speech therapist. It's really, really bad now. Can't imagine what I'll be dealing with in 5 years. Poor kids. Evil fucking parents.

I love my job but I'm finding it harder and harder to tolerate some of these parents and the choices they make. When you wake up, it's hard to deal with the people who are asleep.

Epicsoundwaves 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think eating mostly fruits and veggies is great, but high grain with little protein isn't good for anyone. We're designed to consume animal meat and we are lacking nutrients if we don't supplement well enough, which is extremely hard to do.

Beyond meat is NASTY and so so bad for you. All this soy is making our men gay and our women infertile.

Epicsoundwaves 1 point ago +1 / -0

But fuck me for not wanting to risk that for my child.

Epicsoundwaves 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm only gonna say this once. Veganism is part of the depopulation agenda. It's also killing people slowly.

Epicsoundwaves 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've been anti vax since I ended up in urgent care after my last one. I've been calling myself cautious and hesitant but last week I officially became anti vax after reading multiple scientific studies showing that specific ingredients cause autoimmunity in people. I also found that every single vaccine not only contains materials from aborted fetal cells lines, but formaldehyde, which is known to cause cancer in humans. They're slowly killing us on purpose.

I knew vaccines were hurting kids. More vaccines than ever, and we have an insane amount of childhood cancer, and it's all mysteriously so rare.

I'm a believer that autism stems from your gut health and nothing destroys gut health like a vaccine.

Sids, autism, skyrocketing cancer, vaccines.

Epicsoundwaves 1 point ago +1 / -0

It really depends on where you are. I've been yelled at for having it ON my nose but not all the way covering my nose. They will legit ask you to leave and won't let you in even with an exemption.

Very liberal areas are hard to just not wear one.

Epicsoundwaves 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm in big liberal town, I get so freaked out not wearing one. I hate confrontation, I hate letting people down. I like being a good person, following the rules etc. But now I gotta do what's best for me, and I've been getting (literally) blinding migraines from masks so it's safer for me to not wear one, everyone who gets upset can kindly eat a bag of dicks.

I'm waiting to use "I have a medical condition" at my local Ralph's. No way trader joe's will let me in. That's a hill I don't want to die on. But fuck them.

Anyway, you're not the only shaky rule breaker. We got this fren. Not all of us can just "never wear one" and be done with it.

by BQnita
Epicsoundwaves 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why do these elites talk SO much about food in their emails?? Has anyone talked this much about food in an email????

I'm not sure I've ever sent a food related email in my life, especially not asking someone if a sauce is real good.

by BQnita
Epicsoundwaves 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why do these elites talk SO much about food in their emails?? Has anyone talked this much about food in an email????

I'm not sure I've ever sent a food related email in my life, especially not asking someone if a sauce is real good.

Epicsoundwaves 1 point ago +1 / -0

I love this.

But I'm curious why we can't just shock the nation and wake people up. Why do we have to be delicate?

Epicsoundwaves 3 points ago +3 / -0

Agreed. She has several pictures with that picture in the back, it's her living room. But background is always intentional. She doesn't have tons and tons of photos so a lot of thought goes into the ones she does post.

Epicsoundwaves 11 points ago +11 / -0

She just signed a massive contract with the top modeling agency a few days after her mom pretended to be inaugurated as vp

Epicsoundwaves 5 points ago +5 / -0

Literally went to the optometrist today because I've been getting massive headaches and migraines. Because I'm finally using my eyeballs and seeing and understanding too much.

Epicsoundwaves 0 points ago +1 / -1

I fight back where I can. I'm always looking for the line, I like to respect people. But I also like my damn freedom.

We got tacos from a little joint, I'll gladly wear my mask for them.

Big chains? Fuck them.

Epicsoundwaves 1 point ago +1 / -0

I gave up 90%. 10% was waiting for the 30th. Then this stock thing kinda jolted me back to like 30% back in.

I'm only on here once a day now, compared to HOURS a few weeks ago.

Enjoy the break, you need it! Take your 5 year old out one day and spend the day with them, no phone.

Congrats on your growing fam ❤️

Epicsoundwaves 2 points ago +2 / -0

But a few people breaking a door down is terrorism and takes up 24/7 news cycles. Got it.

Epicsoundwaves 0 points ago +2 / -2

I shared this and someone said "insulin prices have been steadily increasing over the years. This was signed by Trump in Dec to take place in March so it wasn't doing anything anyway. Trump didn't actually care because otherwise he would have signed it sooner".

Still got shared almost 30 times!

Epicsoundwaves 1 point ago +1 / -0

I want to make a list of things that point to this being a fake, or pre-recorded inauguration.

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