If a mixed race homosexual from SE Asia or Kenya or whatever you believe, could spend 8 years with a tranny and two rented kids in the White House without being outed, then I guess this wouldn't be much of a stretch for the Luciferian Deep State to pull off.
Human faces are nearly always very asymetrical. Just look at someone like Harrison Ford, it's so asymmetrical it hurts. Well, compounded by the fact that face lines get more pronounced with age.
That's why having a face that's just slightly less asymmetrical than the general population makes one appear to be prettier in the eyes of many. Because generally speaking everyone has asymmetries.
Definitely gives me pause but he is much older in the second set, no? Your face changes with age. Due to weight changes. Skin tone. And then of course there's the change in affect that comes with cognitive decline
If a mixed race homosexual from SE Asia or Kenya or whatever you believe, could spend 8 years with a tranny and two rented kids in the White House without being outed, then I guess this wouldn't be much of a stretch for the Luciferian Deep State to pull off.
I keep thinking you guys are nuts, it's the same person, just older - but - does the new Biden have a different eye color?? lol
I'm looking forward to my new eye color and chin when I get older
LOOK at the chins. Very different
Ask yourselves what the purpose of him being a body double ? Refer back to the q post about hunters laptop. History in the making!!
Where is Joe? Where is Joe really?
Even Joe doesn't know.
I do? Well I mean, I know where Joe Exotic is.
I don’t think so, but there have been doubles for Kamala Harris and Hillary Clinton, so who knows.
Absolutely not Biden...has nothing to do with age...look at the symmetry lines...features just don't match up
And the chin. That is something you can’t hide.
Human faces are nearly always very asymetrical. Just look at someone like Harrison Ford, it's so asymmetrical it hurts. Well, compounded by the fact that face lines get more pronounced with age.
That's why having a face that's just slightly less asymmetrical than the general population makes one appear to be prettier in the eyes of many. Because generally speaking everyone has asymmetries.
He is older now then that pic and he's had two brain aneurysms
Definitely gives me pause but he is much older in the second set, no? Your face changes with age. Due to weight changes. Skin tone. And then of course there's the change in affect that comes with cognitive decline
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