yet she nabs one of the first interviews with USA Today! She..... gets to discuss Melania's decision not to have tea with jill. Just look at conversation around the world! No one can't believe we would accept an outright fraudulent election. Two neighbors took their flags down today. One a veteran. He said he fought for the right to vote and liberty, all a lie he said. Just sharing....look, Ashley is now a celebrity.
Comments (15)
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Right away it's about negativity toward the Trump's instead of what they're going to do or what this means to her.
Do you think she gives a shit about whether Melania has tea with her mother?
Why not tell us more about herself?
I hear the dog is not too fond of it either.
If you have a flag flying, turn it upside down with the stats on the bottom. A sign of a nation in distress!
I did this very thing at noon today.
Now this is the sort of crazy I come here for!
I took my flag down when pence caved . ( 3 generation Navy vet) :(
Why are you here?
Then kindly go fuck yourself , you may be more entertained by that.