I, like many of you, wanted everything to happen on live TV today for the world to see! Man, that would have been amazing!!!...and absolutely retarded.
This scenario would have made us so happy! But let’s be real here, the world would have flipped out. If they arrested everyone at the capital, the division would have been so insane and the world would have been against us.
So she continues on saying “if this really is some military operation like you say it it’s....I rant to her a lot.... then wouldn’t they make it have to look like Trump has nothing to do with this? Cause the world would never accept it if trump had anything to do with it at all.”
She then asked about how long the national guard was there...I let her know the order is until the 24th...and she goes on about how if this is a military op, it would make much more sense for them to do this now...it’s the only way people won’t freak out and will actually accept it.
...I couldn’t fuckin believe it.
- I’m extremely lucky.
- she listens much more than I thought. 3)... I think she is absolutely right.
This countries back on the menu boys!! In the words of Jordan Belfort, “I’M NOT FUCKIN LEAVIN!!”
you are lucky to have a supportive spouse, even if they don't agree with you
you should stop setting expectations with yourself about dates.
Maybe there's an operation and maybe there isn't but we know for damn sure there is absolutely zero evidence to support an assumption about the 24th or any other date.
Stuff like this means on the 25th do you just all of a sudden change your mind about what you've learned?
I think the only straight up, "it's over" gates are Trump/Pompeo/Flynn coming out saying Q is fake as fuck stop believing in it. All have had opportunities to do so and didn't