If we all have access to Q posts, this website, video compilations, book downloads that connect all the dots, etc. etc... why wouldn't the enemy also have the same access, and just do something different than what Q hinted at along the way? I mean, a lot of us are just dudes hanging out on the Internet. There are some serious minds on the opposition that have the same access to 4chan, 8kun, GAW, etc that everyone else does. Is it possible that this stuff is just bait to keep us all complacent and waiting patiently while they install a new corporate figurehead? I am asking because I really want to know. I am desperate for answers and absolutely miserable. I smoked my last hopeium bowl before DJT's farewell speech and have been going through withdrawal since. Asking myself if I should quit cold turkey or buy another bag.
Comments (21)
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'disinformation is necessary'
we don't have the plan, therefore neither do they.
We have NO IDEA what they are doing behind the scenes
Q basically helps us expose corruption and give hope that we’ll win this. Neither of which is helpful to the deep state, but both are very helpful for us.
some of the puzzle pieces Q gave us were intentionally bullshit for this reason: the enemy was watching too. Q is real, Q+ is trump, they taught us how to research, taught us to fight with information, showed us we are the majority, told us the good guys will win. WE guessed WHEN. WE guessed HOW. as far as i’m concerned...we survived 79 days of hell to enter the 10 days of darkness. we are fine. trust hasn’t been violated yet
Stay strong and keep the faith. The best is yet to come. 2nd Acts 17:17.
Many of the predictive posts are only meant to be understood in the future.
Most other info is open source.
They would. And that's why we shouldn't be surprised when things don't go down the way so many had decided they would go down
The "to keep us complacent" argument is BS though. This is a small percentage of Trump supporters. And they spent far too much time trying to convince everyone. even conservatives, that it was crazy conspiracy theory to discourage people from jumping on board.
I sure hope so. I am a good person and have faith that good will prevail. However, I feel like people follow Q as some type of a god. There is only one God and only one truth. We should put our faith in God and pray. Putting faith in anything other than God is not a good idea.
I'm a Christian and a Q follower. I never saw anything Q did or said that would cause me to think Q was a god. Q was an information campaign and taught us to be critical thinkers..... But Q never demanded anything from us. Q said many many times that God wins in the end....
Exodus 20:3
Future proves past. We'd only know which of the information is true after it happens. The plan is not actually spelled out or discernable until it happens
Draws your attention to how things are supposed to work and should be, makes you realize what was possible, at every point along the path, shows you what could have been, makes you aware of your loss, and who was involved, reminds you that you wanted something more.
We don't know the plan, it's not out there.
Or maybe we, unknowingly, gave them disinformation
That's what I fear. What if all us autists have been useful idiots, and basically connecting the dots for them? I mean, none of this stuff is even password protected. There is a Book of Q proofs that anyone can download right from this site. You don't have to be a good guy to download it. It's there for anyone