Since the greatest prime factor of 45^2 + 1 = 2026 is 1013, which is much more than 45 twice, 45 is a Størmer number.
Anagrams of Dominion Voting Machine(s):
Nomadic Thieving Minions
Canine Hominids Vomiting (they certainly are like dogs to vomit)
Magic Hominid Invention (yes, i guess it is)
Avoiding Chino Imminent (ahem, Italy, anyone?)
Admonition Evincing Him (a warning, announcing him)
Vietnam Coining Hominid (a human, who serves as payment or recompense... for vietnam?)
Idiomatic Venom Shinning (their natural state is showing)
the most disturbing one:
Dominican Movies Hinting (there was a film released in the Dominican Republic, titled "Checkmate". It's about a "A TV host who learns that his family is being held hostage, and he must play along with the kidnapper's sick game while on live television."
and my personal favorite:
Nonactive Diminishing Om (a diminishing of activity, reality and life essence... practically a definition of this covid clown-world)
Since the greatest prime factor of 45^2 + 1 = 2026 is 1013, which is much more than 45 twice, 45 is a Størmer number.
Anagrams of Dominion Voting Machine(s):
Nomadic Thieving Minions
Canine Hominids Vomiting (they certainly are like dogs to vomit)
Magic Hominid Invention (yes, i guess it is)
Avoiding Chino Imminent (ahem, Italy, anyone?)
Admonition Evincing Him (a warning, announcing him)
Vietnam Coining Hominid (a human, who serves as payment or recompense... for vietnam?)
Idiomatic Venom Shinning (their natural state is showing)
the most disturbing one:
Dominican Movies Hinting (there was a film released in the Dominican Republic, titled "Checkmate". It's about a "A TV host who learns that his family is being held hostage, and he must play along with the kidnapper's sick game while on live television."
and my personal favorite:
Nonactive Diminishing Om (a diminishing of activity, reality and life essence... practically a definition of this covid clown-world)
Ok, I just burned myself out.