posted ago by cutebrownbear ago by cutebrownbear +24 / -0

hi everyone. newbie here. i got a question for you: are trump and q mocking the cabal by using "hunger games" theme in the fake presidential inauguration? apparently the cabal used hunger games books/movie for predictive programming. so in turn, trump and q used it against them?

ghostezra noted it in his post:


gateway pundit wrote an article about it:


i didn't know this but apparently hunger games is about the cabal and their new world order:

http://illuminatimindcontrol.com/the-hunger-games-satanic-rituals-teens/ https://rikijo.blogspot.com/2012/04/analysis-hunger-games-and-satanic-new.html

i wrote "fake" presidential inauguration because i believe most of the participants there are already arrested/dead and just using doubles or actors:

https://conspiracydailyupdate.com/2020/06/14/indictments-arrests-and-executions-dismantling-the-deepstate-operatives/ https://steverotter.com/arrests-and-executions-of-famous-people-updated-november-2020/

i might be gullible because of its absurdity but somehow this is the only thing that make sense to me right now:


thanks for reading.