Hello, I was browsing these forums and see people who dislike Socialism and Communism, but I was kinda wondering if any of y'all would like to deep dive on the subject and give me reasons you don't like the ideologies? Hoping to have a civil and open discussion, thank you in advance :)
Edit: I'm only human, sorry if it takes a bit for me to respond
By definition, communism hasn't been fully implemented.
So what is your solution for greed? Death camps again?
The current solution has been to tax the rich, stop monopolies, and raising the minimum wage. Right now the CEO makes muchhhhh more than most employees wage wise, unless if we are talking about Elon musk who is one of the only CEOs that takes a fair wage. I'm not saying that the current solutions are the best ones, but it's a decent start.
You can compare their wages here https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/ceo-pay-ratio/
I would also advise you to acquaint yourself with Mises' famous critique of central planning called "The economic calculation problem".
what leader or person would you trust to implement the "true" socialism?
One that is not authoritarian would be nice.