I don't even own a firearm but I am in full support of 2A. But let me ask you this. What is the point of supporting 2A if nobody is willing to exercise 2A at any point? Is it just for show? I know for a fact how our founding fathers would have answered that question because they DID do so when they needed to in the face of tyranny.
I don't even own a firearm but I am in full support of 2A. But let me ask you this. What is the point of supporting 2A if nobody is willing to exercise 2A at any point? Is it just for show? I know for a fact how our founding fathers would have answered that question because they DID do so when they needed to in the face of tyranny.
SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED. So what happens when those rights surrounding 2A begin getting seriously infringed? Eh?
The entire mindset of "we have firearms but won't use 'em because that's not who we are" just means that we're already disarmed.
Have you noticed that everybody on this site has suddenly become somewhat anti-gun after all of the recent propaganda surrounding Jan 6?