It has been posited that Q was a larp and there are tons of shills here to reinforce that viewpoint. Well, maybe.
But if Q was just some guy larping -- wouldn't it follow that he was the type of person who liked attention? And if he had just completed 3+ years of successfully pulling off the biggest larp in history, fooling millions of people world wide -- wouldn't he be bragging about that right about now? Wouldn't he want the recognition of having accomplished such an amazing feat? Wouldn't he be getting free drinks in every pub and doing interviews for tv and magazines?
Or would he just go back to playing his videos and keep it all a secret, so nobody ever knew it was him? Maybe, but probably not. Think about that.
Eh, the Lincoln project gifted the hell out of liberals, and all they did was make a couple of mediocre YouTube videos.
If anything, the Lincoln Project killed the GOP's unity advantage
If Trump was a racist, he was a really bad one. He created the Second Chance Act, which released mostly black prisoners from unfair sentences, he created the lowest unemployment for blacks and hispanics in the country's history. Black owned businesses and entrepreneurship increased by 400% due to his economic policies. He gave billions to 'opportunity zones' in inner city black neighborhoods, he gave more to Historicaly Black Colleges than any other president and set the program so that it would be continuously funded for years to come and they wouldn't have to come back and beg for money every year. He was universally revered and sung about by black rappers and he dated a black women for a year and a half. Even obama said Donald Trump was the American dream. Everybody ought to be that bad a racist.