This bizarre speech Biden gave - his 'farewell to the State of Delaware' where he blubbered while talking about his death really bothered me. WTF was he talking about? Did he cry about leaving Delaware when he left to become VP in 2009?
Then I watched an Inauguration where nobody came to see it. Nobody was happy. Nobody cheered. Nobody even wanted to chat very much. It was more like a calling hours than a celebration.
And finally today:
Watch this with the sound off for 10 seconds. You'll My Favorite President walk by outside the 'oval office' window. I was extremely puzzled by this at first.
Now it is all coming together.
My President was sworn in yesterday by Justice Thomas, at the Supreme Court during the 'bomb threat'.
And everybody there at the Inauguration are under arrest.
Think of everybody who was there.
So I have a theory about the military and they did take over, they allowed Joe to be sworn in, because you are innocent until proven guilty by a court of law. Arresting Joe on the steps of the capital would have been horrifying to everyone who isn't us, and would have in general on a world state made America look weak, and as much as we don't like it (we know he is guilty) and even in our broke system, the rules have to be followed otherwise what is the point, we would be just like them.
They allow Joe to be sworn in while a military's investigation takes place. My guess is Joe knows about this, it's why they are acting so strange, it's why Trump said "Good Luck" and why Biden in the Trump letter said "Trump was generous" It's also why since the 6th Trump has been largely silent about the steal, because when you are the plaintiff in a legal case, you normally don't talk about it or give information out once the investigation has begun.
Plus there are added benefits to doing it this way. If it is proven that it was stolen, then I would imagine everything Biden has done, or will do will be nullified. It stops an chaos breaking out all over the united states due to us not having a president until this is resolved. And while I don't like the outcome.... if they really did find there was no fraud (highly unlikely) then nobody would be the wiser and Joe would stay president and we would avoid months and months of civil unrest.
Now that unrest will 110% come when Trump takes back over, but will not be present for any investigations, military tribunals... etc.