posted ago by CyrusKingOfAnshan ago by CyrusKingOfAnshan +46 / -2

The amount of anti_semitic shit I'm seeing is appalling. And, I'm sure it's mostly shills but this is my attempt at a counter narrative. So, I wanted to say this outright: Illegals aren't your enemy, black people are not your enemy, "The Jews" are not your enemy. The globalist class, the haves to our have-nots are the enemy. No matter what publicly espoused creed, race, group, subgroup, or religion. These are simplistic touch stones to sedate the masses into believing these fucks are like the normal everyman.

They are NOT.

They serve the ends which would best enrich them, that is all.

By falling into blaming a specific group that is not the Deep State, you play right into their hands and give the world a reason to completely ignore you. Rise above, don't play their game, and, eventually, the whole world will reach up to steady you.