posted ago by mintyj ago by mintyj +19 / -0

I hate to be the one who has to break this to you (I know it's hard when you first find out) but :


That's from ~2001 on the UN's own website. So what you see happening right now across the west was planned.

And replacing a native population in this way falls under the UN's own definition of genocide (UN resolution 96 article 2) : https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/documents/atrocity-crimes/Doc.1_Convention%20on%20the%20Prevention%20and%20Punishment%20of%20the%20Crime%20of%20Genocide.pdf

Here's corroboration from the Royal Society : https://europepmc.org/article/med/12028794

Quote :

"(d) Ethnic replacement...Fertility levels of immigrant populations are usually higher than those of Western host populations...In the long term, the minority will become the majority in a country if there remains even one region in which the proportion of the minority continues to increase through immigration and/or higher birth rates" (Steinmann & Jager 1997)

Then add this to the mix : https://imgur.com/a/nMgnynk

Here's a fun fact : there are now more Muslims in Britain than there are Welsh people.

Source 1 https://www.ons.gov.uk/aboutus/transparencyandgovernance/freedomofinformationfoi/muslimpopulationintheuk/

Source 2 https://www.ukpopulation.org/wales-population/

Still not convinced? Try this :


(original source URL on the UK government's website is at the bottom of the pic) Only 66.1% of primary school children in England are "white British" (ie. native). And that 66.1% is falling by 1% PER YEAR (this will accelerate as those children grow up and have children of their own... or not). I always tell people one simple thing to get them started :

"Google 'UN replacement migration'".

Once you see it for yourself on the UN's own website you can't un-see it.