7 HERE ARE JAN 21 UPDATE FOR BOTH MIKE ADAMS AND SIMON PARKES will let you know if I find streetfighter or bards FM https://www.bitchute.com/video/hiNftb3fJYzp/ (www.naturalnews.com) posted 4 years ago by stray502 4 years ago by stray502 +9 / -2 17 comments share 17 comments share save hide report block hide replies
BardsFM is on week long YT ban. He's still broadcasting on the Podbean app.
Unbelievable. They're banning everything not BIDEN GOOD.
SIMON PARKES https://www.bitchute.com/video/hiNftb3fJYzp/ MIKE ADAMS https://www.naturalnews.com/HRR/2021-01-21-situation-update-jan-21-2021-the-astonishing-case-for-optimism-and-faith.html
Simon is a fraud. His most recent video some of his "intel" comes from "Melania Trump's Telegram channel", no such channel exists, not a real one at least.
Streetfighter was very interesting on YouTube till they kicked him. Where the hell is he now? :)
Thanks mate!
No problem
He is on yt at Patriot Streetfighter
Mike Adams is pretty accurate
Mike was a bit of a doomer for a while but he flipped back now.