Shortly after the audio flub, other coverage of the event pans to a group video call on a TV in the room. Xavier is on the call. Check some of the other outlets' coverage of the event.
Ahhh okay. This makes more sense. OP of the comment made it sound like he listened to it and out of nowhere came to the conclusion that this is a perfect match to the voice of California AG.
Wtf how do you know it's that random guy? lol.
LISTEN TO OTHER YOUTUBE VIDEOS OF XAVIER BECERRA. He is the attorney general of California. Its not hard to cross reference and listen to him.
Alright tough guys. Lucky I don't take you behind the gym and beat the hell out of ya!
Shortly after the audio flub, other coverage of the event pans to a group video call on a TV in the room. Xavier is on the call. Check some of the other outlets' coverage of the event.
Ahhh okay. This makes more sense. OP of the comment made it sound like he listened to it and out of nowhere came to the conclusion that this is a perfect match to the voice of California AG.