18 THEY SURE AREN'T IN ANY HURRY TO DISMANTLE THE NEW DC FORTRESS... posted 4 years ago by Jitch76 4 years ago by Jitch76 +18 / -0 http://app.ddot.dc.gov/ and the camera i was watching yesterday at Independence and Washington Ave. is blacked out today... ..hmmmm 13 comments share 13 comments share save hide report block hide replies
All because some dude sat at Nancy's desk. lol
All? Some? Proof of specifics?
USA today? Might as well be SNOPES...
Sounds like conflicting info among news sources... https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/national-guard-keeping-25000-troops-in-washington-with-no-plans-to-leave-e2-80-94-yet/ar-BB1cYsC2
ALL MSM usually march/report in lockstep. So something is up.
Given that all us Q-tards are here, and that we've collectively opted against that very thing, I think you're getting your facts from a fake new source.
But thanks for stopping by.