So now Twitter is suspending Antifa accounts...
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I am a by the Grace of GOD, a recovered meth addict (26 years 5 months clean). There is no weening off. It takes a complete rewiring of ones mind. It is exactly the same thing the brainwashed NPCs will need to go through whether they are meth addicts or not.
For this to happen, they will need to be shaken to the core. That is like a druggie hitting rock bottom. Once they start to figure out that they are just manipulated tools of evil, some will wake up.
As Christians, we have a big part to play right now. We can start praying, in the Name of Jesus for them. As adopted children of GOD, we have authority to bind the demonic forces that have enthralled them. We can plead the Blood of the Lamb as a hedge of protection over them. And we can ask the Holy Spirit to help repair their minds. This will prepare the ground to receive the seed of the Good News. So pray also gor GOD to send workers to reach out to them by the Power of the Blood and their testimony given in Truth and Love.
I have been doing this regularly for several months. It is our most affective weapon against the evil besetting the world. I have some testimony regarding experiences I have had while doing this. We are mighty because He who is in us is Mighty.
All Power and Glory and Honor belong to the LORD.
WOW! HALLELUJAH! Glory to GOD! Bless you, Dear Pede! AMEN! PLEASE let me join you in these prayers and MAY GOD CONTINUE to RECEIVE GLORY through your freedom from Meth (crystal DEATH?). You bless us ALL! THANK YOU for pointing to the CROSS of Christ Jesus and THANK YOU for being here...!!!