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Daily Bible Verse: John 16:33
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
Castle Rock studios is a warner bros. production co that has a replica oval office. Many on here have come to the conclusion that the castle rock oval office is where Biden signed the EOs
Sure, that one lines up. Are we believing that The House and Senate are both just falsely operating off of a movie set as well. What about if/when they impeach Trump in the Senate as early as next week perhaps? We are still to believe it is fiction?
I want to believe still trust me and please don't accuse me of being a shill by asking. I am trying to sort this out, how the plan is still in operation.
Sounds like you need to go reread the Q posts.
As far as I know, there's no reference to the House/Senate being fake. There are references to there being actors and everyone needing to enjoy the show.
Fair enough. Yes it has been hard for me to get through all of them.
I understand what you're saying but here is an example of what I am trying to understand, why would the DS Demafrauds go along with even having a fake Senate impeachment and why would Trump go along with the show of being impeached?
The simple explanation for why Oval Office looks different is that BIDEN HAD IT REDECORATED, Why would he keep pics of Trump’s family on his desk! ? ?
But why?? Why is he not in jail??
To make China feel like they won? To show the normies how terrible a Biden administration would really be? To keep the country running normally until certain other operations are complete? Get digging in the Q drops and help us figure it out. But most likely something will happen January 31... Is that the Great Awakening, no one knows at this point. It's not moving the goal post, only Q and a few others know the plan.
My fear is that Q is being used to sedate us. Keep us warriors from fighting back. Filling us with this false hope that something/someone will save us. Keep us chasing this never ending riddle and before we know it it’s too late and American falls to communism. You don’t ever wonder these things? I can only move the goal posts so much. There has to be a point where we say enoughs enough.
Could be. But if the US MIL won’t back up the people, what are we going to do about it? We lost long ago if that’s the case.
I get it... March 5 is probably a good day to throw in the towel if nothing obvious is happening. But I would advise hold the line until February 1 at the least. Hope that helps.
I agree but if that's not moving the goalposts, then what is?
Like what happens if it's February, March, 2022, etc?
When do we consider other options?
I'm the laughingstock of my friends these days.
I get it... March 5 is probably a good day to throw in the towel if nothing obvious is happening. But I would advise hold the line until February 1 at the least. Hope that helps.