Look at the EO's Biden is signing. Think about the potential destruction these EO's could create.
Opening our borders.
Shutting down our energy independence / destroying jobs.
Allowing Muslims in from terrorist states, ending travel restrictions.
$2 trillion in stimulus bailing out failed blue states.
Forcing 100 million vaccines.
Mask mandates.
Data collection.
Here is what you voted for. Actions have consequences. Trump supporters look on in horror. Biden supporters are smiling but in the back of their heads they have to be saying to themselves, Oh Fuck! Can we have a do over?
Its a good thing these EO's have not shown up on the national register but the low IQ, ill informed do not know this. Let them think about the shit storm they created and realize the media convinced you this was a good idea.
Bernie is a fraud.
yeah the guy who owns 3 mansions and drives around in a $100,000 sports car all while shaming capitolism and pormotiong socialism - an ideology that has led to more mass death and poverty than any other in history... Real nice guy he wants to HELP people lmao..
What Trump owns, he worked for. What Bernie owns, he took from the tax payers.