posted ago by fwordFRAUD ago by fwordFRAUD +98 / -1

I've watched this portion where Biden is sworn in so many times now and can't help but feel something is off.


  1. Various camera angles occur way too frequently compared to Trump's Inauguration.

  2. Kids seemed to disappear (directly behind Biden at 30:26) and McConnell appeared out of nowhere. It's important to also look at the zoomed out view at the start of where I clipped this video (30:09ish).

  3. Reflection in the glass of a guy with a mask, yet there is no second floor opposite of the main stage for a man to be sitting. (Look at 31:00).

  4. The Bible being used is different from the one used during Trump's and Obama's ceremony. However, it's tradition that the President gets to choose what Bible he wants.

I tried to debunk my own claims and while it might be true the camera angles make certain people appear closer than they really are, there are many things that still don't sit right.