270 National Sanctity of Human Life Day! posted 4 years ago by FemalePatriot 4 years ago by FemalePatriot +271 / -1 https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/presidential-actions/proclamation-national-sanctity-human-life-day-2021/ Don’t forget today is National Sancity of Human Life Day! 7 comments share 7 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Amen! I hear it's Trump vs Pa SCOTUS case too but haven't verified yet.
As Biden rolls more troops in to Syria..
Hoping Pedos start falling today! Roberts first?
i promise to wake up every day hoping for an arrest.
Thank you for the reminder.
Biden probably will mix up a few words and call it the National Human Life Sacrifice Day
yes! thank you for the link!