221 Feels like a Make-A-Wish Presidency posted 4 years ago by meme_warrior_76 4 years ago by meme_warrior_76 +221 / -0 Make-A-Wish is for kids, Joe. 11 comments share 11 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Joe is wishing for kids tho.
I'm using this.
Even though we're watching a movie, I wish our unelected president xiden would legalize pot. Just a wish.
Pretty sure trump had them arrested...thus the movie.
It would be nice if they went full commie on this tv show, you know just to wake up the masses...but too many people might actually believe it.
Feel free to fill in his empty EOs.
they are EA and thats been debunked. deff had words on a hd version. c'mon man.
You know... the thing!
This might just be the most charitable thing anyone's done for Joe.
Weekend At Bernies meets Truman show for Joe.
So is Joe's boner.