Day after congress boots military to cold parking garage, Trump open his hotel to them.
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You guys ever heard of "fragging"?
It was a thing in Vietnam.
I'm positively shocked that this has never happened recently, especially to someone who outright, openly loathes and verbally abuses anyone and everyone in a uniform.
Let me know if you guys DON'T know the rock-solid, verified true stories of how hildabeest would flat out abuse our LEO and Military.
The fact someone like her HASN'T been fragged only speaks to the ridiculously high character and self restraint everyone who wears a US MIL / LEO uniform has.
Fragging is killing someone in a pc game. Like, how many kills/frags. That's my understanding.
Ha. Nope. Fragging comes from the use of fragmentation grenades. They are called "frags" for short. "Fragging" in video cames is derived from what u/sometimesme references, tossing a frag under the cot of the plt officer who knew it all and was going to gey everybody killed.