posted ago by FaithHopeLoveAbide ago by FaithHopeLoveAbide +8 / -0

Hi there,

I apologise if this is more appropriate for the daily discussion thread, but I figured many of us would be interested and benefit from a direct discussion about this topic.

I am only in my 20s, but I’m married and have a little baby. I’ve never been involved in investing in stocks/bonds/gold etc. because I always felt like it was a bit like gambling. I preferred to keep my hard-earned money in a simple checking account or in a safe. Not to mention, what happened in 2008 made any trust I had in those systems completely disappear.

Now I feel for the first time in my life that I ‘know’ something will happen on a global scale (apart from the Lord returning for us) and with all this talk of going back to the gold standard, decentralised banking etc. I was wondering if some more financially-minded brothers could share some investment (or divestment) advice regarding what to do with our money over the next couple of months?

I understand that it is still not certain what will happen, but I feel like there must be at least certain principles to stick to or general advice. But I will definitely also welcome specific advice or ideas!

Should I buy as much gold as I can? Should I try to ‘short’ companies that I predict will go under as a result of this (media companies, Chinese-owned US companies etc.)?

Thanks so much in advance,

  • a little tadpole in a lake full of alligators