Trumps policies are amazing for the country and if Biden can’t touch these policies and then opens up the country the economy will soar on his watch. The jobs reports, stock market, wages, low drug prices, will all start to show if they wait too long.
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If I understand how the dollar, oil and the petro dollar work (which I barely do), Fracking is harder and makes the oil twice as expensive, the only reason oil prices were so high is because certian crooked banks, in conjunction with certian oil companies (like the one that rhymes with the opposite of pepsi) and the fed pump and dump oil based on turning fracking and different wells on and off. They make bets using leverage on the oil market. They had been longing the oil price, buying up other countries' cheap oil off the open market and stockpiling it while simultaneously driving the price up to fracking prices that makes it so they can sell their more expensive fracked oil for a profit, plus since the are long on leverage, they also make shitloads more when they close their trade.(their principal investment was funny money printed by the FED and the leverage is credit that they only have to pay if they lose the trade so they can afford to buy the cheaper oil to drive the price up, (since they are cheating they might be using 50 or 100x leverage, who knows) Trump froze the assets of a lot of these people, then disrupted the federal reserves activities too bringing more power back to the treasury. These guys had to start selling large quantities of oil that they had stockpiled at a high price at a loss to get capitol to run their pump and dump for another round, then Trump, having made deals with oil producing companies (and this somehow ties into the peace deals) where they started pumping out oil at max capacity. (remember a bit ago when the oil price went negative? At that time these deep staters were LONG on oil, they got shit stomped and not only that they were using leverage at insane levels so they lost what money they put up but also ended up owing multiple times more than they even put up. I know that people think, oil=good, oil=conservatives, but it's not true, oil=rinos, oil=mil industrial complex. If biden is turning off fracking, it's to lower the price of oil? I'm trying to wrap my head around this but I can assure you that china is very involved in the pipelines and started that whole "black snake rising" protest to stall the pipeline past a deadline where the cinese would get like 300 bil extra or something (can't remember the deets exactly because I learned this IRL) back in 2016 just before the election. Sorry for the confusing and probably not concise explanation, but the point is that it looks like Pres. Trump pretty much cut the petrodollar and it's bleeding out, this is really, really good for we the people because our debt is priced in petrodollars, with a lot of manufacturing here we can pay off our debt for "cheaper" maybe, or maybe that doesn't matter. i think the damage has been done and maybe they are lowering the price to go short, i don't know, but I know that Trump probably understands this like it's tic-tac-toe and he moved first. What I hope this is leading to is a metal-backed treasury dollar. Hopefully someone that is a pro trader or oil guy can simplify what I'm trying to say or correct what i have wrong but it all looks kind of good to me no matter what biden does.
They’ll use what Trump built to pump up Biden then take it away for their great reset.
I think they know what they're doing
I agree my point is if there’s a plan we will see it revealed sooner rather than later
China Joe and Co. are too arrogant and stupid to let the economy alone. They'll regulate and push their climate agenda enriching the Chicoms in the process. They won't be able to hide it.
Showing the smooth brains what they REEEEd about wanting. Now we wait for them to break completely.
Don't worry. Biden already shut down the Keystone pipeline which by some reports was a LOT of jobs. I forget the exact number.
Plus when he raises the min wage to $15 / hr will cause half of those jobs to be laid off.