posted ago by ModernDayMao ago by ModernDayMao +58 / -2

What does new age hippie BS have to do with Q? Christ is King, the new age crystals up your butt is a distraction preying on your ego and preformed judgments you have about Christianity.

Look at how the cabal/DS have been trying to destroy God. This has been their main attack for decades that has allowed all their other degenerate behaviors to become accepted.

This is the Great awakening, it’s right in front of your face but is not seen. Why has every Christian country developed far faster than the rest of the world? What fucking year is it and why? Who were the founder of USA really faithful to, God they were true Christians escaping from the corruption already in Europe. If you just honestly look at the world, God obviously has a favorite religion.

Just because evil has corrupted some institutions that claim to worship Christ and somebody who went to church was mean to you doesn’t mean Christ is false.

If some lady on YouTube meditating with a crystal in her cunt could really lead you to enlightenment she would be the most popular person on earth her videos would be the most consumed media in existence. Just look at the type of people that make up most of the new age garbage, mostly lefty communists with blue hair.

You know what the most popular piece of media of all time is? The Bible. I used to be just like y’all turning my nose up at Jesus as “normie BS” looking for answers with DMT and fringe spirituality. Don’t get me wrong not everyone who reads the Bible is an awakened enlightened master, some are just as bad as you think they are but that says more about them than it does about Christ.

Some of you have no problem calling out devil worship but shy away from God. Who is satans enemy? Who already kicked his ass out of heaven? Who do you think has the power to kick his ass again?

You don’t even need a church, all you need is a Bible and love for God. A church could actually be a bad idea if one is easily led by a strong personality. If you get the wrong church is could lead you to a bad place. No man made organization is perfect not any church or even this site. This site does act as a church for us like minded Christians.

A relationship between you and God is the only thing that can be perfect.

You can call me a shill but when you do it for Jesus it’s called preaching.

Sorry if my tone was rough if this doesn’t apply to you don’t take it personally.

God bless you all.