Nothing to presume. You, very obviously, didn't comprehend anything I said. They didn't "survive", they are STILL FRIGGING "SURVIVING". NOTHING CHANGED. Is this clear enough? Top 1% lives like kings, the rest are slaves by most parameters.
Same with Red China. Yes, they allow you to buy a new nice and shiny thing here and there, but you are STILL a SLAVE to the communist assholes. You know, The Great Reset being pushed onto us now, already installed and (mostly) perfected. They tell you what to think, they tell you what to say, they decide when you are past the "expiration date". Top 1% lives like kings, the rest are slaves who are simply allowed to exist.
Is this the "survived" part in your rantings? Tell me, this is "survival" to you? Its mere existence.
You know why Russians are joking there is no chance of Russia getting into a war with USA and UK? Because ALL of the elite 1% have their kids attend schools here and then staying to live here as well, and many of the 1% actually have second homes here as well. The place they teach people to hate.
This does not, in any way, full the people there, who are merely "surviving", as you put it, while trying to get to the next paycheck.
Nothing to presume. You, very obviously, didn't comprehend anything I said. They didn't "survive", they are STILL FRIGGING "SURVIVING". NOTHING CHANGED. Is this clear enough? Top 1% lives like kings, the rest are slaves by most parameters.
Same with Red China. Yes, they allow you to buy a new nice and shiny thing here and there, but you are STILL a SLAVE to the communist assholes. You know, The Great Reset being pushed onto us now, already installed and (mostly) perfected. They tell you what to think, they tell you what to say, they decide when you are past the "expiration date". Top 1% lives like kings, the rest are slaves who are simply allowed to exist.
Is this the "survived" part in your rantings? Tell me, this is "survival" to you? Its mere existence.
You know why Russians are joking there is no chance of Russia getting into a war with USA and UK? Because ALL of the elite 1% have their kids attend schools here and then staying to live here as well, and many of the 1% actually have second homes here as well. The place they teach people to hate.
This does not, in any way, full the people there, who are merely "surviving", as you put it, while trying to get to the next paycheck.