Do you think something is going down this weekend? ?
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Well, at least Putin is not selling the country, so there is that. Corrupt? Of course, and helping his friends as well. That said, had he not taken over we'd see a complete destruction and selling out, a la Xiden, by Khodorkovsky and rest of oligarchs. So, the devil I know versus one I do not, main reason so many, as much as they know what's going on, still prefer Putin since he, at least, is a patriot of Russia.
All I am saying is you'd be very disappointed with what's going on in Russia as it relates to their Orthodoxy, as corrupt as the gov, very intertwined by now. Its not Vatican and red shoes by any means, Russians would never stand for that, but graft, opulance in your face, priests wearing 2-3 kilo crosses/chains (ala our rappers here), driving very expensive Mercs and Rollses, having gov enforce very unlawful real estate takeovers of prime land and houses, etc. All the while preaching very opposite values. People aren't blind when corruption is on display.
Not at all saying the religion itself is bad, just the other side of it in Russia no one here reports.
I am not Eastern Orthodox, I am Oriental Orthodox (the irony of that both mean the word Eastern) so if they are corrupt it wouldn't really disappoint me because in my eyes all of the Chalcedonians are corrupt from the very first time they schisimed from the Church (not the believers but the foundations of their churches and the beliefs the priests follow).
What I do like is the fact that they are not killing off the people, I am sure there are many priests over there who are not in the pocket of Putin and want to root out the corruption, it is probably a situation that isn't as grave as what is going on in Ethiopia (the government has installed several of their own priests that the people do not recognize to be valid and are now killing anyone who opposes it) but still the government is trying to control it.
Good point. They may be corrupted, but that is fixable. They are, certainly, not Vatican we're observing right now, and there is no abuse of people, and no pedophilia we're seeing here.