1st off the story about the woman isn't a conspiracy it actually happened in Macon GA like 20+ years ago. The reason you've never heard about it is because the media didn't want you to. They don't want you to realize those lame ass restraining orders they harp on so much mean absolutely nothing. If you realize that you might go out and buy a gun to defend yourself.
The only conspiracy theory I see is this non-sense about the USA being made a corporation in the 1870s. Show me some proof? I just searched Q for "corporation" and its all about the MSM and how 6 corporations own everything. He doesn't even hint at this non-sense. This is strait out of the wacky sovereign citizen BS. But I'm the one not in reality?
Yeah, I'm old school so I'm going to go with don't feed the trolls. which is what you appear to be. you just want me to waste my time arguing with you. Later.
That would be an awesome plot for a conspiracy book, BUT WHAT WE TALKING ABOUT IS REALITY.
1st off the story about the woman isn't a conspiracy it actually happened in Macon GA like 20+ years ago. The reason you've never heard about it is because the media didn't want you to. They don't want you to realize those lame ass restraining orders they harp on so much mean absolutely nothing. If you realize that you might go out and buy a gun to defend yourself.
The only conspiracy theory I see is this non-sense about the USA being made a corporation in the 1870s. Show me some proof? I just searched Q for "corporation" and its all about the MSM and how 6 corporations own everything. He doesn't even hint at this non-sense. This is strait out of the wacky sovereign citizen BS. But I'm the one not in reality?
I got the same proof that you have about your story it seems.
Yeah, I'm old school so I'm going to go with don't feed the trolls. which is what you appear to be. you just want me to waste my time arguing with you. Later.
Do whatever you wish, offending me isn't changing the fact.