Is that really how you thought of it? That's not how I thought about it but yeah obviously at some point something major has got to pull through or it's fake.
So the this isn't like going to the car wash, complex military operation would be needed to cleanse mass corruption. There could be set backs, plans could have to be re worked , these dates are speculation. Think big chess game. Be patient, keep researching and getting info out. It will happen when it happens.
Removed. This is great content, but doesn't warrant its own post. It will get better visibility and drive discussion better in the daily discussion thread. Thanks for understanding!
Legit , that makes sense
Exactly. Nobody has a clue where the goalposts are.
It will happen on 39th of Fuckoffuary, 2135.
Thank you
You should be less focused on us and more focused on finding a real job. Shilling won't pay for much longer.
Kind of hard to find a job that wont give the IRS mafia any money.
We'll be proven right by January 20th, 2029. Mark my words. Then you'll see.
That one makes sense too
Who is setting the goalposts?
Stop setting goalposts
Continue to make your voice heard as best you can....
AZ audit is attempting to use copies of the ballots, which is another white wash of the fraud
From Bannon’s warroom today and the AZ grassroots organization. Arizona. Recount immediate action....
Sen Karen Fann 602-926-5874
Sen Warren Peterson 602-926-4136
Sen Michelle Ugenti-Rita 602-926-4480
Tell them... “Need a deep, forensic audit of the original ballots
I like your style. Actual information for us to do something with!
Frankly I think Mar 4 is the absolute final goalpost. (Although I expect much to happen by end of January)
OK but very valid question;
What is our final, permanent, total drop-dead date, at which we accept that perhaps there never was a plan?
3 months?
6 months?
6 years?
I'm 100% on board still but there HAS to be some FINAL DATE where we stop merely believing and start making other plans.
Why do you need a group decision?
Make your own choices.
Is that really how you thought of it? That's not how I thought about it but yeah obviously at some point something major has got to pull through or it's fake.
So the this isn't like going to the car wash, complex military operation would be needed to cleanse mass corruption. There could be set backs, plans could have to be re worked , these dates are speculation. Think big chess game. Be patient, keep researching and getting info out. It will happen when it happens.
What’s a “goal post”?
Removed. This is great content, but doesn't warrant its own post. It will get better visibility and drive discussion better in the daily discussion thread. Thanks for understanding!