•Even if Trump won the election it would take a lot more to stop the Great Reset. Even with 4 more years we would still have 30 Trillion in debt, politicians/Law makers who undermine our countries wealth. And Competing countries manipulating our currency. BS trade deals, Big Pharma& Health Care costs, Paris Climate Agreement, Foolish funding of WHO, NATO, etc.
• Debt leads to control, and we stopped Obama who created more debt than all president before him combined. Countries like Germany put Hitler forward and waged war in an attempt to escape the crippling debt the German people were stuck with from the First World War.
•Re reading the seemingly unused EO 13848 you realize it is very carefully written, but much more about Economics and the takeover of economic assets for those who choose to interfere. This is the most peaceful way of avoiding our nations take over including the autonomous control of our military systems to the UN and the Hot Wars that can erupt from such economic devastation.
••EO 13848 (Trump 2018) which (include EO13694& EO13757) has a lot to do with Economics and foreign policy despite it's face value of election interference. -"By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including** the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) (IEEPA), the National Emergencies Act** (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.) (NEA), section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 (8 U.S.C. 1182(f)), and section 301 of title 3, United States Code" These 2 parts of his EO are often overlooked but expanded on here[ 170(https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/USCODE-2018-title50/html/USCODE-2018-title50-chap35-sec1701.htm)
• I believe this is the 30 days Michael Flynn was talking about. "Not later than** 30 days ***following the date of this order, the Secretary of State, the Secretary of the Treasury, the Attorney General, the Secretary of Homeland Security, and the Director of National Intelligence shall develop a framework for the process that will be used to carry out their respective responsibilities pursuant to this order. The framework, which may be classified in whole or in part, shall focus on ensuring that agencies fulfill their responsibilities pursuant to this order in a manner that maintains methodological consistency; protects law enforcement or other sensitive information and intelligence sources and methods; maintains an appropriate separation between intelligence functions and policy and legal judgments; ensures that efforts to protect electoral processes and institutions are insulated from political bias; and respects the principles of free speech and open debate."
Why Trump in 2016? Buisness man who has dealt with bankruptcy+ Trade and give the military what we need for defending this Asymmetric warfare and created weaknesses(Space force, EO's, Border wall, etc.)
•Our true enemies are the Soros, Schwabs, WEF(had the idea for covid and the great reset), Chinese, Big tech. Not potato brains like Joe Biden.
•The best way Trump and our Military could protect this country is by removing or seizing the assets of those who finance it's deterioration. And removing our debt to them, thats how they seize us without firing a single shot. The EO allows us to seize their property and financial assets.
•This strategy of stopping them is how you can neutralize your enemies without needing a hot war later on or surrendering our assets to the globalist via the international debt forgiveness plan(modern slavery.) You also prevent them from returning in new forms like they have whether it be housing crisis, offshoring, etc.
•I often hear that the delay is because the people have to be shown everything that is wrong etc and I think there is some truth to that....But doesn't this make a little bit more sense, We have ridiculous amounts of debt inflicted on us by companies like apple, Facebook, Twitter,etc. Shouldn't we take all the time we can to establish who did us dirty so that we can seize their assets? The more the merrier! We have a Big Tab to pay and broke enemies are good enemies. Our biggest weakness to the European Oligarchs is our financial system, not our military system.
Although we haven't seen the fruits yet, lets. not forget about: 1.) Trumps team of lawyers and Senate hearings against Big tech Zuckers, Dorseys, etc. 2.) Catching them with ObamaGate. 3.) Hunters Laptop. 4.) Financing and arming foreign adversaries. 5.) I am sure the Trump team has a vast list of offenders.
When going to war, generally it is to defend something or gain something from the opponent. The timing of all of this has made me uncertain, the Biden inauguration and games felt un-necessary. There is some merit to exposing more to the public, and letting themselves incriminate via actions. But that explanation didn't necessarily feel sufficient to justifying the charade. But pinpointing the financial targets and identifying assets that we are entitled too makes a whole lot of sense to me.
Interfering in our elections and tampering with our critical infrastructures is an act of war, now it is our turn and "countermeasures" exist. We finally get our counterpunch.
• More time= more corporations, people, countries, tech. And the more debt we can relinquish and possibly even more wealth we can bring back to the American people and restore a republic not indebted by centralized banking outside the USA.
• This also gives us time to have our guys construct the internet and other platforms that will be available to the patriots of the world and create a more resilient internet and economic system to the dark powers which manage to hijack them and manipulate and further our countries and citizens debt.
• Letting Joe play president and deploying active military allows for peace in the country while indictments are made, other countries are taken care of first to avoid sheer panic in the USA and uncertainty which would lead to a crash of our National security and stock market. Incrementalism has been used against us and now can be used in our favor while the power shifts. All corrupted politicians and our government system will be irrelevant after this storm.
•This EO allows for even major news channels to be abolished and their money and influence is returned to the people. Getting us back to being a Republic.
• This seems to grant Trump all of the things he wanted to fix but couldn't in his first term and one fell swoop and seems to check the boxes of what Q talked about (Granted I never really paid to much attention to Q before the election theft) I can think of a lot of circumstantial evidence that points to all of this.
- "Most complex military operation".
- Last minute personal changes in key leadership positions.
- Trump walking away without burning the house down -Pelosi trying to 25th and impeach
- Foreign countries regime shifts.
- Military occupation in DC.
- No response to years of attacks. -Dumping money into our military, and Gitmo, border wall.
- Lawsuits in the works against big tech checking interference. -Feelings of illegitimate 46th presidential inauguration. -Not making arrest on the 20th. -Talks of new internet and social platforms, we will have a large voice.
- The best is yet to come while leaving office. -Rino's and Dino's who seem to just be Foreign agents in our country.
- A legit way to take out the Cabal of central bankers overseas.
- Servers in Frankfort Germany, Italygate and Satellites.
- Rumors of indictments of politicians and clear evidence of there crimes with no public display of arrest and justice. I could go on and on but I think that this has something to do with when we hear "The best is yet to come" and people like Pompeo telling us that the western world is winning! Could Trumps actions around the world all be leading to Allies across the world and power to those are willing to play by the new rules when the Old evil system is taken down? It makes more sense to me than everything else. Lets pray we see some of tools exposed by Edward Snowden and Q team at NSA have been planning justice. Deep State Panic, Trumps cabinets actions/demeanor, The EO's, and Belief in God and good defeating evil lead having faith.
I give it till 3/4/21 then I am joining the resistance
Biden is illegitimate. Military knows this and has proof of treason, election fraud, pedophilia, murder and more. Military will remove Biden and conduct massive arrests of co-conspirators. Military will conduct a new election and restore a democratically elected civilian government.