What can be confirmed by physical observation?
There’s so much speculation and so many people playing the “my inside anonymous sources tell me...”. We need to start sorting the wheat from the chaff. Lots of noise and not much signal.
A good portion of the Q drops have verifiably happened. Not all. But many, which gives who, or whom, is behind Q is actually on the inside in some capacity.
It is important to have faith and hope. But you can pray with an axe in your hands, but not many chips are going to fly unless YOU start swinging. The All-father guides our hands with wisdom, in the end the CHOICE is ours to help or hinder the plan.
My extended family, and myself, have either been in the military, or in “spooky” parts of the government, or at higher levels of public service. They’ve all been VERY tight lipped since Election Day. The most I’ve gotten is from my dad, former Marine/CIA PMC, who advised me to buy ammo and dry food stores for about a month.
This is a War of Patricians.
What can be confirmed is that other governments in the world have been collapsing upon themselves. Mass resignations. Even from stable NATO allies.
DC has been cordoned off and flooded with troops. Both National Guard and Active Duty troops. Active duty being deployed on US soil is anomalous because of Posse Comitatus.
This raises questions. This only makes sense if A) the Insurrection Act was indeed signed allowing them to be deployed on US soil, or B) DC is now effectively a foreign nation and is being occupied by our forces.
The behavior of our troops has seen some significant breaks with what is considered normal military bearing. For troops to be at parade rest or with their backs turned to a motorcade containing the POTUS or even higher level officers is a UCMJ violation. You can get busted down rank for doing that.
The Marines at the White House do not salute Biden first. This is also highly anomalous. Look at past footage of Presidents boarding Marine 1.
The inauguration itself was highly anomalous with individuals in Europe having it broadcast many hours before it was scheduled to happen. Not to speak of many breaks with tradition in the ceremony. The emotional bearing of guests in attendance were not as if they were happy or excited that their friend and candidate won. It was as if it were children at a boring church sermon.
Playing number games and gawking at planes isn’t really going to tell you much. If the military is making big movements, those planes are going to be using encrypted transponders. You’ll never see them. Or if they are on, those co-ordinates can be easily spoofed to provide false information.
There is definitely something amiss with the “Biden Administration”.
Just look at what is physically happening on the ground, before playing sudoku gematria numerology with airplane call signs. So much can be faked with video and photography that it cannot be trusted much. The old Soviet saw, Trust, but verify. Is very applicable.
After the 20th they are not saluting.
My question is; Why would he need to “rehearse” something that is on par with giving a glorified handshake?
It is also the Marines general order to salute first regardless of what the POTUS does.
In fact, I forget which president it was but he forgot to return the Marines salute, entered Marine 1, stopped came back out and returned the salute and boarded Marine 1 again.
Ditto on the Trust, but Verify. It seems that it has gotten to that "Spooky" space?!?!
I don’t think anyone really knows what is going on except Trump, Chris Miller, USMC Commandant, NSA head, King of Saudi Arabia, and FEMA coordinator.
Those are the only people that I believe are 100% loyal to DJT.
I agree...Sad that it has gotten to this point. Thank You for your Service... Gunner!
Valid points! Thank you!
Not Fair! You've DONE THIS before! LOL! JK! THANKS for your very cogent post!
I am but a humble former Tank Crewman.
You wrote:
What can be confirmed is that other governments in the world have been collapsing upon themselves. Mass resignations. Even from stable NATO allies.
I beg to differ, because of the manner in which a "resignation" is styled.
For instance:
This means she will not be on the ticket in the next election in Germany.
It means: she is still running the show till a new chancellor has been chosen.
It normally means that this Cabinet is de-missionary, though still in power. Effectively, the 2nd Chamber of Parliament (comp. The House) cannot send them off after an accepted motion of distrust. Meaning: the 2nd Chamber was effectively neutered. (there is some shit surfacing)
New election are already scheduled for 17th of March. However .... given the Covid situation, which is being harped on to be "vulnerable" lockdowns and even a curfew have been instituted. It would not be beyond conspiracy theory to suppose the elections will be postponed till such time they are able to shore up support for the ruling parties.
So, nothing collapsed in both countries.
Was it agreed? Probably. One shock, with no real impact, people go on about their daily routines. End of story.
Dirty little detail: Listen to what de-missionary Prime Minister Rutte had to say to the 2nd Chamber. And then look at his complexion:
Of course it was a bad joke. ...(cough).
What exactly is a War of Patricians?
A War of Patricians is similar to the political environs of the Roman period following Julius Caesar and his eventual successor Octavian/Augustus.
It’s what we are seeing now playing out.
Take a look at Estonia and Italy.
Through the NSA, Trump has them all by the short and curlies, financially speaking.
Estonia seems a true scotsman argument: https://www.reuters.com/article/estonia-government-idINKBN29I0NB
Italy, however, is permanently plagued by instability. Like always. If a government through the election is capable of making it to the next without being destabilized ... now, that would be a miracle. And I am not sure that is something to be happy about.
Ah, I see where you are going with it. And I would agree with that characterization of the war.
Imagine if Trump showed the Netherlands Royalty the documents proving their king was a SS Officer in WWII well the old king.
That is well known. Prince Bernhard of Lippe-biesterfeld was once, before he married the future Queen Juliana, an officer in the SS, horsemasters. We call him: The Scoundrel of Orange.
During the war, he had negotiated to become the viceroy of The Netherlands to re-establish civil government away from the military government instituted as a consequence of the royal family fleeing the country on 14th of May 1940, with the Cabinet in tow. This was done while transgressing against the Constitution. Meaning, the Kingdom had ended. So, based on international law at the time, The Netherlands actually became part of the German Reich. The current construct is a business.
That the Royals are pedo's is not well known. What is known they are deep into the Bilderberg council. William is married to Maxima, another deep state offshoot.
Yes, The Netherlands is deep state central, and a key part in a world wide money laundering scheme due to being a Tax Paradise for big money.
The thing is, people are not being taught their history, plus mass immigration as a deflector, on average, people have no clue, and too busy with keeping afloat, while being bormbarded by cult thinking.
I spoke to a guy, yesterday, who had been in the Environmental Activism for decades. A typical hippy lefty. The same background as Volkert van de Graaf, the Pim Fortuyn Killer. But through the years he discovered how rotten the system had become, including the people and orgs he worked with and how much of a fleecing scam the whole system is.
People are waking up. To idealists, realism usually is often the last vestige to accept, and quite difficult. It seems, there is conservatism on the horizon for many, growing past 50. ;-) It shows they got a brain and a heart.