WinstonO1984 5 points ago +5 / -0

Hang in there Fren...As and outside perspective...Remember, when one door closes, another opens. There is a whole wide world out there...Be open to change and opportunity...I am sure something / place will fit. I have also been there. I would rather be miserable..and alone, than Miserable in a marriage.

WinstonO1984 1 point ago +1 / -0

Brilliant Reply...! and Apropos of our current predicament.

WinstonO1984 1 point ago +1 / -0

What did the Tell-A-Vision show us that day...? Was it Fake? Was it Real? Is DJT Insulated as Q said? Or was it incompetence? Was it a hit? Was it an OP? Remember folks we are at War...the Psyops go both ways....

WinstonO1984 14 points ago +14 / -0

We are in a Psyop...inside of a Psyop riding in a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma…Miss/Dis- Information on both sides...AI...Who The Hell knows? Either way I would not be shocked. I Do know that NOTHING about it "Passes the SMELL Test"!

WinstonO1984 2 points ago +2 / -0

I had more people than I can think of...slooooowly waking from their Slumber...after that debate ;) Brilliant Move!

WinstonO1984 3 points ago +3 / -0

For Starters..I Love the "Handle"...FuckNewsom! Secondly, I AGREE with everything you said. I think Q said something about ..watching a Movie? The Psyops run "Both" Ways folks...We ARE in a War. I take the viewpoint of- It May have happened OR it may not have happened...WHAT did we all see on the Tell A Vision? I will say this..Whatever happened, did not pass the "Smell Test".

WinstonO1984 2 points ago +2 / -0

J...I also saw his hand go to his ear and come away with no blood in Super slow-mo...I am not saying he was or was not shot...We are in a Psyop...inside of a Psyop riding in a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma...The way things are today..WE can not trust what we see on the Tell-A-Vision

WinstonO1984 5 points ago +5 / -0

Remember...PaPaw..had High Cheek bones...that was a tell tale sign, that he was Injun

WinstonO1984 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well I would not trust anyone saying...they could shave a Little Cartilidge off your ear! Do you propose...that it was a move to add blood to his ear when he went down?? Talk to me Sadness..cause I could go with that theory as well..

WinstonO1984 2 points ago +2 / -0

I Truly believe that we are watching a Movie, and the "ONLY PERSON" I totally Trust is DJT...So Let's just see how it all unfolds.

WinstonO1984 8 points ago +9 / -1

Agreed MB...We are in a Psyop...inside of a Psyop riding in a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma…

WinstonO1984 4 points ago +4 / -0

I have always Liked Dave- I have just stopped trying to convince Circle of Influence...The cognitive disonance...IS Real...They either get mad...shut down...or their eyes glaze over...

WinstonO1984 7 points ago +7 / -0

If “Biden” was President… and DJT was a “Former” President…

VP Biden and Obama DESTROYED 3 Star General Michael Flynn with the Logan Act, 18 United States Code §953.

So, if VP Biden is now President Biden… are you willing to tell me that he wouldn’t invoke the 25th Amendment on President Trump for breaking FEDERAL Law, meeting with 5 Foreign Leaders in the past 3 months…

Now, a 2nd time planned, with SITTING Prime Minister Viktor Orban in the PRIVATE establishment of Mar-a-lago?

18 United States Code = Federal Crimes and Criminal Procedure.

18 USC §953 = ‘Private Correspondence with Foreign Leader


From Derek Johnson

WinstonO1984 3 points ago +3 / -0

Agreed...Jr Would be the Cherry On top. Sadly, I can't see it as being him..before all that. Unless...he is the Opening of the END..The Darnkess starts with his announcement. It would be nice to just pass over the Precipice. Maybe 10 days of Jr, waking Normies up.

WinstonO1984 1 point ago +1 / -0

BB - There is some great information IN link Below:

I have even started to pull keyword searches from GAW. I am going to kep my quest up - I totally believe in your post..Just sure the Cabal has memory holed, destroyed, or hidden exactly what we need as proof, or it is hidden in some of what we have already read.


ALSO- US CODE: Title 28,3002. Definitions (15) “United States” means — (A) a Federal corporation; (B) an agency, department, commission, board, or other entity of the United States; or (C) an instrumentality of the United States. Thomas J. DiLorenzo: Truth About the 14th Amendment

Corp. U.S. – the Columbia Organic Act of 1871 Team Law | [email protected]

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