Does this seem like a green screen to anyone else?
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No way to know as I refuse to watch any videos with Biden in them.
Green screen or not the fact remains that whoever this person is, he is a bumbling idiot....It kills me, he keeps referring to the vaccine inoculation as the "shot". "Please reach out to me" what a buffoon...
exactly my thoughts, if it wasn't live, why so many gaffs?
You can fix things that "stupid" does, but you can't fix "stupid"....
Camera noob here. Does the light on his left shoulder look like an overheard light? If so, that light isn’t doing anything for the (fake) background.
yeah def. green screen... fuzy edges and sometimes the bgk is off when he moves his hands.....
He looks like a lizard.
the tell is how different he is lit than the background. seems to be a lot of extra unneccesary work to produce a talking on a podium video but i'm not pedotus so what do i know. kek
for sure the focus doesnt match up on the foreground and background
Its definitely a green screen. Jan 30th all will be revealed. General Flynn asked for 7 more days, I intend to give it to him.
I mean.... all of this could easily be deep fakes. They parade an actor around and then the rest is a movie.
In this video it looks like a green screen and deep fake of the person.
** Why would they leave in that speech error. Why nt just ask him to do it again? He was 20 seconds in. Heck, there are 2-3 big voice slip ups.
you just goota look close on the edges for artifacts...
the fkg weather man uses greenscreen since 30yrs ago... why not the president...?
He looks digital too. His mouth was glitchy.
Pedo Joes brain is glitchy too.
Yes it does.
Yes. I don't think we'll see the "oval office" again until they announce a remodel.
i think that old edifice would sink like a stone...
and why do they all love this dusty old vobe so much...
its time for a polished stainless steel starship look....