JusthuntinQs 2 points ago +2 / -0

THANK YOU!!!! I keep saying this too. Rigged elections mean we will never win against cheaters.

JusthuntinQs 3 points ago +3 / -0

It was built several weeks prior to the inauguration. They did have a small parade in front of the white house and it looked like mostly news stations on the platforms and along the road were police. Not many spectators.

JusthuntinQs 14 points ago +14 / -0

It's being taken down. It was a viewing platform for the parade on the 20th.

JusthuntinQs 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm fairly new to the whole idea of Q and all of this and I LOVE a good puzzle so this is rather fun. I have spent hours searching through the oval office set pics going around and all the videos of Biden in the oval office. Well, I just thought of something while reading this post. Biden ordered all NEW stuff for the oval office (including new doorknobs!) so why would the flags, curtains and phones and almost everything except a few photos & other minor things be exactly the same as Trump's decor? All other presidents changed everything including curtains, flooring/coverings, wallpaper, sofas, etc and Biden was hellbent on erasing Trump from that office any way possible. So why keep some of the things including the ugly sofas? I know it takes time to replace curtains but they claim to have redecorated the office including putting up all-new wallpaper in less than half a day!! That alone seems like something that is impossible to achieve. It would have made more sense to announce the redecorating in a month or so.

This is ONLY my thought about the fake oval office idea... it's not the office that is fake.

JusthuntinQs 2 points ago +2 / -0

I could have sworn the camera looked at the floor then back up... Thanks for the link. If that's a set then it's pretty damn elaborate.

JusthuntinQs 2 points ago +2 / -0

It looks odd but it's hard to tell for sure. I do know that all of the videos of him signing in the oval office have been edited since first airing. There's a video I can not find that is longer and has footage of when the lady tells the press they gotta get out of there now. The person filming turned their camera down to the floor and it was a light pine color just like that set, with no blue carpet or dark wood. I remembered because it was odd to me that the floor wasn't a blue rug.

Also, can I ask if anyone knows what is outside those windows? Trump had bushes out of his windows and I can't even tell what's out there now. Could be nothing... still, it's weird.

JusthuntinQs 4 points ago +4 / -0

That is interesting. When he glitched out, I paused it and I could see the whole door behind him. Timestamp 1:17:47. its a quick 1 or 2 seconds

Update... there's no door there. hmm.

JusthuntinQs 2 points ago +2 / -0

Regarding it all being a movie...not sure how many people know that our Secretary of Treasury Steven Mnuchin is a movie producer and not the independent kinda films, actually Hollywood movies like The Edge of Tomorrow and the Lego movies. I'm sure he has access to all kinds of fun tech!! It blew my mind when I found out.