posted ago by RighteousWeed ago by RighteousWeed +32 / -0

Look, people, i don't drink... it gets in the way of my smoking... generally. however, i do drink from time to time to make sure i last longer than 10min because my wife deserves to be rocked from time to time....

even in the depths of drunkenness, i MUST SAY, this election was so much shit it isnt even funny. EVERYONE KNOWS... and if they don't, they will know just as soon as POTUS (not Faux-tus), is done with his MUCH NEEDED VACATION. God isn't done with Trump any more than Patriots are. WE THANK GOD FOR GIVING US TRUMP, MR AND MRS. We thank God for all that He has done, Is doing, and Will do for those that love Him and trust in Christ... for all the others who are on the Trump Train, understand, there is no stopping, there is NO time outs, and there is a NEVER SAY DIE attitude which strengthens us while painting a target on our backs.

I LOVE GOD, I adore Potus Trump and Melania...and, while i follow Q drops, i Trust Christ... through whom we have a guaranteed victory.....

God bless, you, God bless America, and God Bless President Trump and Melania.
