Before y’all brand me as a member of the “tin foil hat” crowd, recommend you go to Dr. Michael Salla’s website (www.Michael and look at his videos. He claims President Trump has been working to eliminate the Deep State since before the 2016 election. He also has videos in which he explains the US Government’s connections to extraterrestrials. His theory is that before all this is complete, there may be a 2nd Revolution that would be more of a Global Revolution to take down the Deep State. Do Not Doubt Me.
Comments (13)
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This is legit. It’s so much deeper than US politics it’s about earth being a prison planet of sorts. So much is against us that we think is normal. I am so excited for true freedom, or at least these hidden chains being exposed so we humans can make informed choices. All the joking about us being sheep is actually not that far off. And I'm beginning to be glad to be with the sheep as the scales fall for our eyes. What an amazing timeline we are in. Hope. Joy. Freedom.
I've followed MS exopolitics work for a while. I've seen some really interesting connections in the material I've seen over the years.
I've come to a personal conclusion, we were attacked thousands of years ago. Think independence day movie. Annuaki mythos, ancient gods and old monolithic stone structures left. Stories of vermana etc. There is so much to list.
Why do we have a world wide amnesia? Were we conquered and enslaved into what we have now?
The real elites that control the world.... Not the ones we see on the propaganda boxes... The ones we don't hear about. That's where it gets real interesting.
Or they come out and prove that Aliens are Demons.
Sounds like some Podesta stuff. They're pushing UFO declass trying to change the narrative that they're pedophiles... Aliens have been a deep state subversion for fucking EONs now.
I wish...
Simon Parkes has entered the chat....
I seen em, creepy lookin dudes....
Plausible deniability ...