Hey everybody I’m blessed to have found all of you guys months ago and bless all of you for the time and effort you’ve dedicated to inform the public of the truth!! And also the mods are awesome from what I can tell!! At this point “coincidence” has way more meaning than I think. Flynn told us 30 days, I find out a couple days ago my army dad got deployed in the states for “30 days” beginning Jan. 1st. Coincidence or everything has meaning?
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Not gonna lie, what we are going through right now is the one and only time I wish I had stayed in. If my EAS officer told me that I could spend even one day helping take down the cabal, I'd have reenlisted in a heartbeat.
God Bless you and your family Patriot! Thank You for your service and sacrifice! I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE
Wife of a retired vet here. Thank you for your service!