We know the MSM is used for comms frequently. We also know the Secret Service call box was not a Diet Coke button. The Diet Coke box was gone (according to the stories, we now know it was moved) and Trump drank 12 a day. If this was comms of some sort, we should focus on three things. Removal (since the button was removed), [D]iet [C]oke is probably DC, and then 12. DC is gone in 12 or [Biden] removal in 12? That would be from the date of the original Diet Coke button posts, which I believe was Friday but I am not sure. Anyone else have any ideas on “removal, 12 and DC”?? Sound off. _ _ Edit to add: the button was found on a different table and the images was posted on GAW earlier today. Important for a few reasons, why did they say it was gone when it wasn’t? And why call it the Diet Coke button when it is the Secret Service call box?
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