Some ammo for truth fighters helping normies ℹ️ ⚔️ Information Warfare ⚔️ ℹ️
posted ago by DevilDogPede ago by DevilDogPede +39 / -0

So I still have Facebook. I use it to get as much information out there about the Biden/Harris (administration) as if I was just a freaked out normie so no Q stuff or reassuring them that this is all a show.

My own little psyop to help my friends with the eventual storm. So I put together this one below for anyone else doing the same.

Question: What is the biggest thing dividing America right now?

Answer: Election integrity & assault on conservatives

Three links below.

  1. What they are doing to our elections
  2. They are removing conservative lawmakers
  3. Framework to remove conservatives from military

Read the links yourselves. Very scary stuff. And this is just Day 5!

First up, the elections: H.R.1 - For the People Act of 2021

  • Lower voting age to 16 (mandatory they have to register)
  • Requires all voter registrations to be online with just a electronic signature
  • Banning requirement for needing Social Security number (anyone can vote, including illegals)
  • Mandatory mail in ballots in every state
  • Nationwide same day registration & removal of interstate checks between states for double voting (road trip anyone?)
  • Grants for using minors in election activities and campaigning (I don't even want to know what this is about)
  • Nationwide prohibition of states being allowed to clean register rolls of residents who moved out of state
  • Murderers and rapists can now vote (should be telling who they would vote for)
  • Nationwide mandatory early voting
  • Ban on ballot protection measures (Blockchain)
  • Legalize listless ballot harvesting
  • Statehood for Washington D.C.
  • Ban county redistricting from states and given to Senate
  • Abolish the electoral vote

Source: (Go there and then Download the PDF) https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/117/hr1/text

Next up, the assault on conservatives

This link is congress's schedule

Source: https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/subjects/elections_voting_political_campaign_regulation/6104?congress=117

Scroll down and you'll see the layout.

H. Res 12 - Investigate members who made "false" written allegations that fraud occured in the 2020 election

H. Res 25 - Conclusions of said investigations to remove members of Congress

And finally, the plan to remove members of our military. Although this has not reached congress yet, imagine if what is wrote above becomes law. You are living in a fairy tale of you can't see what is coming

Source: https://news.yahoo.com/bidens-defense-secretary-pick-pledges-204822930.html