God is the representation of human minds. The coolest thing about 'god' is that he is the 'agreed' concept of 'good'. God varies through time and cultures due to varying challenges to survival and happiness.
Now when a 'believer' 'invokes god' its no laughing matter. Its like someone saying from the goodness in your heart do what's right like I have done what's right all these times. It invokes all the moments that kindness was bestowed upon you at no price.
It is a metaphysical business transaction. Because 'good' traces back a long long time.
You need to stop thinking of God only as a deity that grants wishes, "god" is part of transactions, just like reputation.
Who would you trust? godless hard to figure out person vs traditional adverse to lying/immoralities person? It used to be the later, but thanks to people like Pence the Reputation of God needs repair.
Christians used have ways to punish people like Pence, Islam sure does. Those who has a sword but keep it sheathed shall inherit the Earth. Not 'meek' fucks that let them get away with it.
When everyone you know or will know thinks you're going to hell to suffer for eternity, when everyone accept that's the proper fate for you, to live it is no laughing matter. It's why many atheists have such adverse reaction to religion instead of a logical one.
I had bad experiences with religious zealots. Knowing the other person think you are going to hell pisses you off no? then I realized they are living their hell on earth instead of enjoying 'god's gift' and I smile. How can one attest to the wonders of heaven when one scorned all the wonderful things already created on Earth?
God is the representation of human minds. The coolest thing about 'god' is that he is the 'agreed' concept of 'good'. God varies through time and cultures due to varying challenges to survival and happiness.
Now when a 'believer' 'invokes god' its no laughing matter. Its like someone saying from the goodness in your heart do what's right like I have done what's right all these times. It invokes all the moments that kindness was bestowed upon you at no price.
It is a metaphysical business transaction. Because 'good' traces back a long long time.
You need to stop thinking of God only as a deity that grants wishes, "god" is part of transactions, just like reputation.
Who would you trust? godless hard to figure out person vs traditional adverse to lying/immoralities person? It used to be the later, but thanks to people like Pence the Reputation of God needs repair.
Christians used have ways to punish people like Pence, Islam sure does. Those who has a sword but keep it sheathed shall inherit the Earth. Not 'meek' fucks that let them get away with it.
When everyone you know or will know thinks you're going to hell to suffer for eternity, when everyone accept that's the proper fate for you, to live it is no laughing matter. It's why many atheists have such adverse reaction to religion instead of a logical one.
I had bad experiences with religious zealots. Knowing the other person think you are going to hell pisses you off no? then I realized they are living their hell on earth instead of enjoying 'god's gift' and I smile. How can one attest to the wonders of heaven when one scorned all the wonderful things already created on Earth?