posted ago by bubble_bursts ago by bubble_bursts +34 / -1

So I have been watching Juan O' Savin, and I have to say he is the most accurate amongst all the "insider drops", and it's also clear he has some role to play on the Trump team. I wrote him off when he recently claimed that Biden would be inaugurated and take office for a few weeks before the trap can be shut. It sounded ridiculous at that time, but looking at how things are going - he was right on the money.

I urge you to watch a minute or so of his video (The Called - Makings of a Perfect day) from this point: https://youtu.be/qjyltcO2m94?t=3475 (Start a couple mins earlier if you want to see some fun T-shirts he packed in that bag).

When he says "Sir, I got the things we discussed. Presents from the friends of the President." it just felt like he was talking to JFK Jr (my wife was the one who said that first, she has a really good intuition).

Got me thinking about his pseudonym which stands for 107. He has mentioned this many times. He has been using this name for a long time, and he never shows his face. Recently when someone asked about the significance of 107 he replied that he cannot disclose it right away, but will do so shortly.

He has also mentioned many times that in numerology, zero can be removed. So 107 is equivalent to 17.

All this got me thinking and I tried to find some way in which 17 / 107 was significant to JFK Jr. Tried his birthday, death date all that stuff and hit nothing. Mentioned it to my wife and half an hour later she said "I think there is one thing, probably its nothing."

Caroline Basset Kennedy. Her birthday is Jan 7th !

Suddenly it hit me. The reason why his gravesite was in the shape of Q. It signified his wife's birthday. Everything Q group does has multiple meanings. 17 is an important number for the cabal. 17 is also the number of intelligence groups. Q is also one of the highest clearances. But 17 is also JFK Jr's wife's birth date.

But I am not done yet. I remembered that Diana's gravesite was also in the shape of Q, and there has been talk that Diana had met with Trump and JFK Jr (separately) and possibly hatched a plan to escape.

So just out of hunch I checked Diana's birth date. No it's not Jan 7. But remember she is British. When you look up her birthday it will blow your mind.

How many coincidences before mathematically impossible ?