I can't help but think that if there is some brilliant plan at work then it would have been much easier to prevent someone from fraudulently taking the WH than having to remove them after their power has greatly increased. I want all this Q stuff to be true but at this point I won't believe any of it until actual results occur. All this hoping and fantasizing about some vague future plan is doing nothing while the Republic is quickly being strangled.
Right, there are a hundred other ways we could think of to slap liberals / commies / normies across the face with the truth, to accelerate “they won’t be able to walk down the street” ... but if “the plan” will give us a lasting victory, and truly shake the complacent 250lb American from his slumber, then do it ... fucking do it
hard coup, full-on SPECOPS assault on cabal.
very last resort.
I can't help but think that if there is some brilliant plan at work then it would have been much easier to prevent someone from fraudulently taking the WH than having to remove them after their power has greatly increased. I want all this Q stuff to be true but at this point I won't believe any of it until actual results occur. All this hoping and fantasizing about some vague future plan is doing nothing while the Republic is quickly being strangled.
Right, there are a hundred other ways we could think of to slap liberals / commies / normies across the face with the truth, to accelerate “they won’t be able to walk down the street” ... but if “the plan” will give us a lasting victory, and truly shake the complacent 250lb American from his slumber, then do it ... fucking do it
This has been explained to this poster many times. He is entrenched in his position and debating him is a waste of time.