Former military pede:
Marines not saluting when Biden walks in is to me the biggest most telling thing of all. Those guys are highly vetted and would be out on their ass so fast it would make their head spin if they were trying to make a personal statement by not saluting. If we continue to see this trend then something is going on.
The clip is labelled everywhere as "Biden entering the Capitol" (not the WH), in all livestreams it is before the inauguration. What makes you think it is after the inauguration?
Edit: Perhas we are talking about different clips, I'm sorry for coming across as belligerent. The clip I was talking about is this one:
which was before the inauguration.
Others seem to write about another clip in front of the WH?
Former military pede: Marines not saluting when Biden walks in is to me the biggest most telling thing of all. Those guys are highly vetted and would be out on their ass so fast it would make their head spin if they were trying to make a personal statement by not saluting. If we continue to see this trend then something is going on.
Question.... Was Biden officially sworn at this point - if so, this is really a "head scratcher"
Yes he was.
The clip is labelled everywhere as "Biden entering the Capitol" (not the WH), in all livestreams it is before the inauguration. What makes you think it is after the inauguration?
Edit: Perhas we are talking about different clips, I'm sorry for coming across as belligerent. The clip I was talking about is this one: which was before the inauguration. Others seem to write about another clip in front of the WH?